Friday 28 August 2009

Lovely boy!

You know when some days just make you really chuffed with life? Well, today I took James into town for a haircut and we had a really lovely afternoon! I sound surprised? Yes, I am actually!

Edward stayed at home with Grandad and James, William and I went to town for the afternoon. James told the hairdresser that he wanted to grow his hair, but didn't want it looking naff whilst it was growing! So, he's had a really grown up haircut - that then we had to buy some gel to go on it! Gel, or whatever it is they call boys styling product these days!

We went for coffee and cake, bought a bargain of a cardigan for me - well, 3 actually (£65 reduced to £5), couldn't refuse, got a new stairgate (screw fix this time - you'd have thought I'd learnt by the 3rd child) and did some grocery shopping in Waitrose for our day out tomorrow (medieval jousting at Lulworth Castle).

Such a lovely day, with my grown up, lovely boy. Back home for the chaos to resume.

1 comment:

  1. I love a bargain, Stef does too. Liked reading about your boys.
