Thursday 27 August 2009

Fabulous Dinosaurs

Ooh, we have come back from London today having been to see Walking with Dinosaurs. Wow!

James (6) didn't want to go this morning (he gets himself ever so worried about things - including travelling on trains, but that's another story..), and Edward was optimistically cautious. William knew no different and so was fine!

Well, it was great!!! I couldn't have explained what I was expecting as I really had no idea, but there we were, up soaring with the birds (or so it seemed) and we waited. For what felt like ages! And two children asking (approximately every minute or so...) 'when's the T-Rex coming out?'. I didn't dare say that I suspected that he was The Finale!!!

The dinosaurs were huge. Enormous. Absolutely immense. And really, really REAL! I almost forgot that they were all being controlled by people! The set was incredible, and the lighting just gave the whole thing an unbelieveable edge! I guess you have to see it to know why I'm waxing lyrical so much!

All in all, a wonderful day, and really not that stressful after all. The highlight? James saying at the end: 'Now THAT..., was WICKED!'

Great. Go see it if you ge the chance.


  1. I saw a mini documentary on Walking with Dinosaurs and all I could think of was how totally freaked out Henry would have been with the noise and the size of them!! Am so glad your fellas loved it.

  2. The noise, yes was pretty loud at points - although not all the way through. The size - they were HUGE!! By the time it started Edward was pretty terrified, but not crying (bonus!). We were about 15-20 mins in and he said 'I not scared any more, I love it'!! Maybe Henry would prefer the dvd - have you got a multi region dvd player (or xbox, ps3 or some such thing?) On special offer on - could send it if you think he'd like it?
