Friday 28 August 2009

Lovely boy!

You know when some days just make you really chuffed with life? Well, today I took James into town for a haircut and we had a really lovely afternoon! I sound surprised? Yes, I am actually!

Edward stayed at home with Grandad and James, William and I went to town for the afternoon. James told the hairdresser that he wanted to grow his hair, but didn't want it looking naff whilst it was growing! So, he's had a really grown up haircut - that then we had to buy some gel to go on it! Gel, or whatever it is they call boys styling product these days!

We went for coffee and cake, bought a bargain of a cardigan for me - well, 3 actually (£65 reduced to £5), couldn't refuse, got a new stairgate (screw fix this time - you'd have thought I'd learnt by the 3rd child) and did some grocery shopping in Waitrose for our day out tomorrow (medieval jousting at Lulworth Castle).

Such a lovely day, with my grown up, lovely boy. Back home for the chaos to resume.

Thursday 27 August 2009

Fabulous Dinosaurs

Ooh, we have come back from London today having been to see Walking with Dinosaurs. Wow!

James (6) didn't want to go this morning (he gets himself ever so worried about things - including travelling on trains, but that's another story..), and Edward was optimistically cautious. William knew no different and so was fine!

Well, it was great!!! I couldn't have explained what I was expecting as I really had no idea, but there we were, up soaring with the birds (or so it seemed) and we waited. For what felt like ages! And two children asking (approximately every minute or so...) 'when's the T-Rex coming out?'. I didn't dare say that I suspected that he was The Finale!!!

The dinosaurs were huge. Enormous. Absolutely immense. And really, really REAL! I almost forgot that they were all being controlled by people! The set was incredible, and the lighting just gave the whole thing an unbelieveable edge! I guess you have to see it to know why I'm waxing lyrical so much!

All in all, a wonderful day, and really not that stressful after all. The highlight? James saying at the end: 'Now THAT..., was WICKED!'

Great. Go see it if you ge the chance.

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Happy days

I am not a Mummy who is keen on the summer holidays. The long 6 weeks lies ahead of me from about May (it starts around about 22nd July) like a daunting, outstretched mass of enforced entertainment and spending. I always envy other Mummies who really look forward to it, as I would love to see it as a perfect time to spend long lazy days reading to my children, and dancing in the long grass, like something out of an Enid Blyton novel. Not so. I panic.

So it came as a bit of a surprise to me when I realised that I have less than 2 weeks left - and have emerged virtually unscathed.. moreso, I have actually quite enjoyed it.

We have done all sorts of things, (including reading and dancing in the grass), but mostly we have just hung out at home. As much as I dread the summer holidays, the children actually need to be at home. There is a tendancy to take them out to keep them entertained, but they just love being at home. My boys have planted seeds, watered the garden, and harvested their produce. They have collected eggs, danced in the water of the hosepipe, built sandcastles (out of the sand meant for bricklaying!) and picked blackberries, eaten blackberries and, unsuccessfully, lied about eating blackberries!

And, for those days when a bit of external entertainment and spending was called for we have been up to London (to stay in Uncle Will and Auntie Hannah's flat - big score on the cool side for James and Edward), visited HMS Belfast, went on a boat cruise (two days running), visited Tate Modern and eaten copius amounts of chips and ketchup! They have both been out with Grandma Hilly - to Old Wardour Castle (James) and Finkley Down Farm (Edward and James - at Edward's request that his big brother should come). We have been on a train to visit Katherine and Gemma and their families (and I think my boys are in love with Katherine's two girls).

This summer has been great. And what's more, I NEVER thought I'd say that! Bring on July next year.... perhaps not - William will be 18 months then - 3 boys terrorising me!

Happy Days

I would add a photo, but think I need to work out how to add it at the end - as far as I can tell I can only add it at the start! Any suggestions?!